Rebuilding Homes, Lives & Hearts


Rebuilding Hope is a volunteer ministry that visualizes the Good News of Jesus by freely helping homeowners living in their homes repair roofs and install ramps.
We repair roofs because we find shelter in Jesus and without a secure covering a home is not habitable. We install ramps and safer steps because Jesus gives us access to the Father’s presence and without such access it is physically impossible for some to enter or exit their homes.
Homeowners can apply during our office hours: Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Get Involved

Tentative 2024 Calendar

11- Veteran’s Day – RHI Closed
27 – 29- Thanksgiving – RHI Closed

23 ­-Jan 1- Christmas & New Year’s - RHI Closed

Click Here to View our Tentative 2024 Calendar


Thanks to all the churches, businesses and individuals who have supported and continue to support the Rebuilding Hope ministry. Without your support, meeting the needs of our communities would be impossible. Continue to pray for us as we reach our communities with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Rebuilding Hope, Inc sponsors two ministries:

Servants on Site

Mission Statement:
SERVANTS ON SITE exists as an extension of Rebuilding Hope, Inc. We are a tool for churches to mobilize, equip, and disciple students in an evangelistic effort to impact a lost and fallen world with The Gospel of Jesus Christ.

SOS (Servants on Site) is our summer missions camp. Local and out-of-town youth groups who have completed grades 6-12, along with their adult group leaders, are housed locally. Crews are formed from a pool of all participants and go out Tuesday-Friday to do hands-on ministry for a local homeowner. Breakfast, supper and worship are at Central Baptist Church. Local churches minister to the crews and provide on-site lunch at each jobsite.

SOS Early Bird Special Deadline ($150)- Jan 15
SOS Registration Deadline ($200)- May 1
SOS25 : June 23rd -27th

Kids' Construction Camp


Kids’ Construction Camp will be August 5-7, 2024 from 9 am- noon.

KCC gives completed 2nd-5th graders hands-on experiences with basic construction skills as they rotate through stations such as Hammer & Nails, Electrical & Plumbing, Block Laying, Building a Birdhouse, and Roofing. There is no cost. A snack is provided mid-morning.  Call or email for more information or to sign up.

9am - 12noon Kids’ Construction Camp FREE- Aug 5-7